Thursday, March 19, 2020

Voodoo essays

Voodoo essays Voodoo and Its Misinterpretation in America Voodoo is a religion rich in heiratage and founded in faith and community. The religion has been villianized by western culture and has been wrongly protrayed as malignant and dangerous. The religion is not founded in any of the black magics or fear popularized by Hollywood films, but rather it is based on balance and tradition. The religion is not something which should be encountered with inhibition or fear induced from childhood horror stories, but embraced for its strength and history. Voodoo (also known as Vodun, Vodou, Umbanda, Quimbanda, and Candomble) originated as an amalgam of African religions during the slave trade. As slaves were shipped from Africa to the Carribean and America, groups of slaves sharing a similier heretage were broken apart to prevent any since of community or bond between them. With no connection beyond the tortures of slavery, the slaves had little chance to establish any relationship to thier fellow captives. Hailing from lifestyles and cultures far removed from each other, the only opportunity for a common bond came from sharing their deep faiths. Though different religions, the intense faiths allowed an intellectual exchange and common bond. With several different religions present in any given group of slaves, the majority of slaves adapted by holding a service which accepted all lineages and respected all ancestreal lines of faith, both aspects being of primary concerns in African religions. These services were effective in blending the rites and practices of many religions into one combination religion. This adaption effectively created a new religion, Voodoo, which translates to spirit in several African languages. This new religion gave the slaves a since of alliance with their nieghboring slaves and, with that alliance, a since of community. This new found unity was viewed as a threat to the French ...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Base Form of a Verb Definition and Examples

Base Form of a Verb Definition and Examples In English grammar, the base form of a verb is its simplest form. It exists without a special ending or suffix. Its the form that appears in dictionary entries. lt is also known as the  plain form, simple form, or stem. The base form of a verb functions as the present tense form for  the first- and second-person singular (e.g., I walk, You walk), and the first-, second-, and third-person plural (We walk, You walk, They walk). Said another way, the base form serves as the present tense form for all persons and numbers except the third-person singular,  which has the -s  ending (He walks, She walks, It walks).  Additional verbs can be created with prefixes added to the base verb, for example, overthrow  or undo. The base form also functions as the infinitive (with or without to) and as the present subjunctive  for all persons including the third-person singular. In addition, the base form is used for the imperative mood.   Examples of a Simple Verb Here are some examples of a simple verb, in different contexts: Present Tense Present tense is for action happening now. When I ring the bell, you leave the room.Men live in a fantasy world. I know this because I am one, and I actually receive my mail there. (Scott Adams) Infinitive An infinitive verb is used with to as part of a verb phrase.   I want to see the stars.Its always easier to learn something than to use what youve learned. (Chaim Potok, The Promise, 1967) Present Subjunctive Using the subjunctive tense indicates that the outcome isnt definite. The music teacher insists that John sing.The tour guide recommends that we travel in pairs. In the first example, although the teacher might insist, John might refuse to sing. In the second, some people could disregard the recommendation and go off on their own. Imperative The imperative is a command, with the subject implied as being you (second person). Take my car and drive yourself home.Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your own wings on the way down. (Ray Bradbury) A Building Block Verb The simple regular verb is used to build other verb forms by using suffixes. (Irregular verbs are beyond the scope of this article.) For example: Simple Past Tense Simple past tense is for action thats completed.   I walked to the store for some bread. Past Perfect Past perfect denotes action that took place before the most recent past action. I had eaten there last year on vacation, but on this years trip, we chose another place nearby.I had walked home after practice yesterday. Continuous, or Progressive, Tenses, and Gerunds Present continuous action is happening now and hasnt finished yet. The simple verb form takes on an -ing and becomes a participle.   I am walking home from school after practice. The participle can also be used for other tenses, such as future continuous.   I will be walking home from school later.   Past continuous shows something continued happening in the past. Contrast it with an action that happened and was then completed: We were walking home when a Stan drove by in his truck.   An -ing form used as a noun is a gerund. Walking is good exercise.